Hung Sheng-Hsiung Studio VI Design
The logo for Hung Sheng-Hsiung Studio draws inspiration from the ambiance of the artist's work. It incorporates a perspective space composed of lines, with the initials of the studio's name transformed into sculptures within the space. The inclusion of the artist's surname "Hung" symbolizes the versatility in the use of space by the artist, highlighting the studio's profound understanding of the fusion of art and design. The logo not only represents the studio's brand identity but also conveys a commitment to a unique visual language in artistic creation and spatial design.
Designer|YAGI WANG
Client|Hung Sheng-Hsiung Studio
The logo for Hung Sheng-Hsiung Studio draws inspiration from the ambiance of the artist's work. It incorporates a perspective space composed of lines, with the initials of the studio's name transformed into sculptures within the space. The inclusion of the artist's surname "Hung" symbolizes the versatility in the use of space by the artist, highlighting the studio's profound understanding of the fusion of art and design. The logo not only represents the studio's brand identity but also conveys a commitment to a unique visual language in artistic creation and spatial design.
Designer|YAGI WANG
Client|Hung Sheng-Hsiung Studio